How to allow or block wireless clients to connect to AirCard 785?

This article will provide you the steps that you need to enable allow/block or MAC filter feature of the AC785. Whitelist will only allow the specified wireless client(s) to connect to AC785 while Blacklist will block the specified wireless client(s).


  • Doesn’t want other wireless clients to connect to the AC785
  • Only specific wireless device will be able to connect to the AC785’s wireless network.


  1. Using a computer, smart phone or tablet that’s connected to your AC785, open an Internet browser.
  2. Go to http://netgear.aircard.
  3. The page will ask for the administrator password. By default, the password is password.

  4. On the left side, click on WiFi then click on MAC FILTER.

  5. To block or allow a specific device(s) to connect to your AC785, select the appropriate option in the MAC Filter Mode dropdown list.
    To allow only specific device(s) to connect to the AC785, select Whitelist – Allow only device in list. Type the device’s name and its MAC Address then click on the + button. Click on Submit to apply the settings.

    To block a specific device(s) to connect to the AC785, select Blacklist – Block all in list. Type the device’s name and its MAC Address then click on the + button. Click on Submit to apply the settings.

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